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Philip Koecher


Working as a physiotherapist since 2018. I already gained experience in the rehabilitation and health clinic Eden in Oberried in Switzerland. I have been working at the Penzing Rehab Center since 2019 and as a freelancer since 2020.


2018 - 2020 I completed the part-time Master's degree in Digital Healthcare at the St.Pölten University of Applied Sciences with a focus and master's thesis in the field of instrumented gait analysis in neurologically caused forefoot drop. 


From 2021 I will also be working as a freelancer at PhysioPraxis1060. 


Sports: judo, running, hiking, weight training, skiing



Training/further education:


• 2021-2022: Mulligan Concept (Manual Therapy)

• since 2021: ​ESP sports physiotherapy


• 2021:​​Migräne Therapie (Bewältigung und Behandlung von Migräne und ​​verschiedenen Kopfschmerzen)


• 2018-2020:​Digital Healthcare (MSc) - Masterstudium Fachhochschule St. Pölten ​​(Schwerpunkt/Masterthese im Bereich Assessments, instrumentierter ​​gait analysis with neurological forefoot drop)


• 2015-2018:​Physiotherapy (BSc) - Bachelor's degree at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences



Work experience:


Since 2019: ​Physiotherapist in the Penzing Rehab Center, 1140

2019 - 2021: ​Physiotherapist at the Beach Volleyball Major Series in Vienna

Since 2020:​ Freelance physiotherapist


Linke Wienzeile 56/23

1060, Vienna



Opening hours:

Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.


U4 - Kettenbrückengasse

U3 - Neubaugasse

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Christoph Öppinger

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